Friday, September 3, 2021



UNIT 1: Animals and Us


1.- Reading: Skimming and Scanning 

  1. Stange pets
  2. Legal/ Ilegal to own?
  3. Celebrities  and match the celebrity to the pet quiz
  4. Popular  movies with pets

1.   Did you like reading these articles?

2.  Did you learn anything?

3.   What do you think of having and exotic pet?

4.   What pet fits your personality?

WWhy do you think people have weird pets?

5.    What questions would you like to ask a pet coach/ trainer?

6.   Should the law decide what pet should/ shouldn´t be allowed?

2.- Watch the videos on  Animals (Intermediate and Advanced) and take the quizzes

Testing Listening Skill English mania

Welcome to Miss Hernando´s class. I hope you enjoy the class and learn a lot of English. Talk to me in English in class and in the corridors.

